Face recognition is an attractive biometric for use in security applications. Face  recognition is non-intrusive, it can be performed without the subject’s knowing. This become particularly important in modern times because demand for enhanced  security  is in public interest.Facial recognition is a form of computer vision that uses faces to attempt to identify a person or verify a person’s claimed identity.  Regardless of specific method used.To identify any person we generally look at face and eyes in particular seem to tell a story how the person feels.Face recognition is a kind of electronic unmasking.It is a unique measurable characteristics of a human being Used to automatically recognize an individual’s identity.Two types 1.physiological & 2. behavioral characteristics A “biometric system” refers to integrated hardware and software used to conduct biometric identification.


Gi-Fi or Gigabit Wireless is the world's first transceiver integrated on a single chip that  operates at 60GHz on the CMOS process.It allows  wireless transfer of audio and   video data  up to 5 gigabits per second within a range of 10 meters.It was developed by the Melbourne University based laboratories of NICTA (National ICT Australia Limited), Australia’s Information and Communications Technology Research Centre of Excellence.GI-FI means gigabit wireless.Worlds first transceiver integrated on single chip.Operates on 60ghz on the CMOS process.Allows wireless transfer of audio and video data at upto 5gb per second.Gi-Fi is ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate usually within a range of 10 meters.The  reason for  pushing  into  Gi-Fi  technology is  because  of Slow data transfer rate,high power consumption,low range of frequency operation of earlier technologies i.e. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.The  core components  of a GI-FI system  is  the  subscriber station which available to several  access points.It  supports  standard  of  IEEE  802.15.3C  Wireless PANThe wirelessspan is   computer    network    used    for communication   among   computer   devices (including   telephones   and   personal   digital assistants) close to one person .An 802.15.3c based system often uses  small antenna at the  subscriber station.The antenna  is  mounted  on  the roof.


Mobile TV has become a key, if not the key, application that mobile operators need to deploy to attractnew subscribers, or simply retain their existing base. Even before the business models and killerapplications for mobile video have been fully explored, mobile operators and broadcasters already face a wide variety of mobile video distribution standards, devices, and applications that deeply impact the way in which those services are deployed.This presentation will focus on the knowledge gained from early deployments of MPEG-4 encoders for.Mobile TV. Featured highlights include case studies on the Orange 3GPP deployment, with an overview of its technical challenges as well as current requirements for successful Mobile TV deployments.Mobile TV deployments can only be considered a success if they contribute positively to an operator's business. Most operators are looking beyond user subscription fees as the sole revenue source for the service by adding revenue from targeted advertising and other paid content. Operators also see tangential benefits of improved subscriber adoption.



Palm vein technology is one of upcoming technology.It is the world’s first contact less personal identification system that uses the vein patterns in human palms to confirm a person’s identify.It is highly secure and accurate.The contact less feature gives it a hygienic advantage over other biometric authentication technologies.Integrated optical system in the palm vein sensor uses this phenomenon to generate an image of the palm vein pattern.Generate image is digitized, encrypted and finally stored as a registered template in the data base.


As XML becomes a predominant means of linking blocks of information together, there is a requirement to secure specific information. That is to allow authorized entities access to specific information and prevent access to that specific information from unauthorized entities. Current methods on the Internet include password protection, smart card, PKI, tokens and a variety of other schemes. These typically solve the problem of accessing the site from unauthorized users, but do not provide mechanisms for the protection of specific information from all those who have authorized access to the site.
Now that XML is being used to provide searchable and organized information there is a sense of urgency to provide a standard to protect certain parts or elements from unauthorized access. The objective of XML encryption is to provide a standard methodology that prevents unauthorized access to specific information within an XML

Wireless Network ppt Free Download

A wireless LAN or WLAN is a wireless local area network that uses radio waves as its carrier.
The last link with the users is wireless, to give a network connection to all users in a building or campus. The backbone network usually uses cables. Facilitate fast and secure wireless communications
Replace cables for everything. Handle voice/data communication for spontaneous networks. Provide a medium for embedded devices to communicate.Wireless Radio Modems. Micro-cell Radios. Wired Access Points (WAP). Regional Network Interface Facilities (NIFs)
2 Network Operations Center (NOC)

MPEG-7 Seminar ppt Free Download

The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is developing a new standard called the “Multimedia Content Description Interface" also known as MPEG-7. The goal of MPEG-7 is to enable fast and effective searching and filtering of multimedia content. The effort is being driven by requirements taken from a large number of applications related to multimedia databases, interactive media services (music, TV pro-grams), video libraries, and so forth. MPEG-7 is  achieving this goal by developing an XML-Schema based standard for describing features of multimedia content. In this tutorial, we study the emerging MPEG-7 standard and describe the new challenges for MPEG-7 multimedia databases.The ultimate goal and objective of MPEG-7 is to provide interoperability among systems and applications, used in management, distribution, and consumption of audio-visual content descriptions. Such descriptions of streamed or stored media help users or applications to identify, retrieve, or filter audio-visual information. Examples of applications include broadcast media selection.

Firewall ppt Free Download

Every computer needs a firewall. When we access internet the firewall must control(what information goes out   and what information comes in)  and protect  our  personal computer or internal network such as LAN.Firewall acts as a basic security system of our computer or internal network.One of the main function of firewall is to examine application or protocol that tries to establish a communication channel on our computer and everytime alart  the user  for takes action such as allows or block.Firewall are becoming more sophisticated day by day.A firewall provides  a single point of defense between two networks .it protects one network from another.A  firewall is software or hardware-based network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or not, based on a rule set. A network's firewall builds a bridge between the internal network or computer it protects, upon securing that the other network is secure and trusted, usually an external (inter)network, such as the Internet, that is not assumed to be secure and trusted.Many personal computer operating systems include software based firewalls to protect against viruses from public network.Many router that controls packet data include firewall components.

OPTICAL MOUSE ppt Free Download

The main goal of any mouse is to translate the motion of your hand into signals that the computer can use. Almost all mice today do the translation using five components. Two rollers inside the mouse touch the ball. One of the rollers is oriented so that it detects motion in the X direction, and the other is oriented 90 degrees to the first roller so it detects motion in the Y direction. When the ball rotates, one or both of these rollers rotate as well. The following image shows the two white rollers on this mouse. On either side of the disk there is an infrared LED and an infrared sensor. The holes in the disk break the beam of light coming from the LED so that the infrared sensor sees pulses of light. The rate of the pulsing is directly related to the speed of the mouse and the distance it travels. An on-board processor chip reads the pulses from the infrared sensors and turns them into binary data that the computer can understand. The chip sends the binary data to the computer through the mouse's cord.

Smart Card ppt Free Download

The need for security and enhanced privacy is increasing as increasing as electronic forms of identification replace face to face and paper based ones. The emergence of the global Internet and the expansion  of the corporate network to include access by customers and suppliers from outside the firewall have accepted the demand for solution based on public key cryptography technology.
A smart card is a plastic card about the size of credit card, With an embedded microchip that can be loaded with data. A smart card more information than a magnetic stripe card and it can be programmed for different applications. Some cards can contain programming and data to support multiple applications and can be updated to add new applications after they are issued. Smart cades can be designed to be inserted into a slot and read by a special reader or to be read at distance, such as a toll booth. It is a comprehensive suite of software and hardware components that includes everything you need to develop contact.

Voice Browser ppt Free Download

A voice browser is a device :
that interprets voice input and interprets voice markup languages to generate voice output.That interprets a script which specifies exactly what to verbally present to the user as well as when to present each piece of information.
Benefits Voice is a very natural user interface which speeds up browsing. Less space requirements. Portable voice browsers can also be implemented. Practical interface for functionally blind users. Users can browse web while keeping there hands and eyes for other jobs.Easy to use - for people with no knowledge or fear of computers.Voice interaction can escape the physical limitations on keypads and displays as mobile devices become ever smaller.

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